The next step of Stephen West’s Exploration Station MKAL is done. Last friday Stephen published the second clue for the mystery knitalong. This year the knitalong is very colourful and the exploration is going on. How does the clue look like?
The first clue was very easy to knit. The wedges went well. For the second clue Stephen mixed in some brioche and a slip stitch pattern.
The first part of the second clue is a symmetric stripe of two coloured brioche pattern. Every row is knitted twice, once in each colour. This results in a different colour effect of the right and wrong side.
The second part of the clue 2 is a slip stitch pattern, where every other row the colours change. This took also long, as I didn’t focus well. I miscounted and had to rip back a lot.
Just yesterday evening I finished the second clue. Hopefully the next clue will be more mindless :-)
Wow, der wird ja gigantisch schön – so tolle Farben hast du dir ausgesucht – das wird wirklich ein Knaller, der dir die grauen Wintertage versüssen wird ♥
liebe Grüße
Richtig erkannt: das wird ein Knaller :-) Die Farben sind aus einem der tollen Kreativ-Sets, die Andrea in ihrem Shop verkauft…